
Time to OwnHerShift! Learn how to step into YOU!

Have you been waking up feeling like you’re not who you are supposed to be? Do you feel like you can offer more? Do more? That you have unrealized your potential? But somehow, you are holding yourself back? Perhaps you don’t have the money, you’re in a bad situation at home, you are too old, have too many responsibilities to really step out and try something new.

This book is here to help. The Five Ws of the New You is not an ordinary self-help book. It isn’t full of simple platitudes and affirmation. The Five Ws guides you through figuring out where your talents lie, how to develop them, and become who you are meant to be. No matter where you are in life, this book can help you make the changes you need to get your talents out of the ground and multiply them. Full of practical, real-world advice, The Five Ws of the New You encourages you to not stay still, to be willing to take risks, but with a grounded approach that will keep you from turning your life upside down in the process.

Get clarity – Get started! time to do your Self Worth Work   This self-discovery journey will require you. #OwnHerShift